Ústav přístrojové a řídicí techniky

Taught subjects

E375008Advanced Automatic Control (1P+1C)
E371526Algorithms for Engineering Informatics (2P+1C)
E371014Algorithms for Engineering Informatics (2P+2C)
E361098Applied Optics (3P+1L)
E371076Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks in Applications (2P+2C)
E371047Automatic Control (3P+2C)
E371099Automatic Control Theory (2P+2C)
E372122Branch Project II. (0P+2C)
E374008Computer Aided Automatic Control Theory (2P+2C)
E372041Computer Support for Study (1P+1C)
E371090Database and Knowledge Systems (2P+2C)
E371079Database and Knowledge-based Systems (3P+1C)
E373998Diploma Thesis (0P+10C)
E141120Electric Accessories of ICE (2P+1L)
E141504Electrical Circuits and Electronics (2P+2L)
E141505Electrical Machines and Drives (2P+2L)
E141503Electrical Machines and Drives (2P+2L)
E141119Electrical Measurement and Diagnostics (2P+1L)
E141506Electrical Transfer of Signals (2P+1L)
E141075Embedded Systems (2P+2L)
E141006Embedded Systems (2P+2L)
E141005Embedded Systems (2P+2L)
E372050Engineering Psychology (1P+1L)
E363022History of Discovery of the Universe (1P+1C)
E361079Holography (2P+1L)
E371110Industrial Automation (2P+2L)
E142012Industrial Comunication Systems (2P+1L)
E372507Informatic Systems (2P+2C)
E371130Informatics for Engineers (3P+1C)
E361097Instrument Design (3P+1C)
E361103Instrument Design I (3P+1C)
E361064Instrumental Technology (2P+2L)
E361005Instrumental Technology (2P+2L)
E371524Instrumentation for Automatic Control (3P+2L)
E371509Instrumentation for Automatic Control II. (2P+1L)
E371530Java Programming (3P+2C)
E371097Mathematical Simulation Models (3P+2C)
E375013Matlab for Simulations (1P+2C)
E371519Means of Automatic Control I. (3P+2L)
E372083Measurement in Engineering (1P+2L)
E141092Microelectronics (2P+1L)
E362006Nanotechnology (2P+1L)
E361038Nanotechnology (2P+1L)
E371042Object Oriented Programming (2P+2C)
E361030Optics (3P+1L)
E372027Pneumatic and Hydraulic Drive Systems (1P+2L)
E371147Process Control (3P+2C)
E371527Programmable Controller Application (2P+2L)
E371060Programmable Controller Applications (2P+2L)
E371135Programmable Logic Controllers and Visualisation (2P+1L)
E375002Programming for Web (2P+2C)
E371087Programming for Web (2P+2C)
E373712Project (0P+2C)
E373131Project I (0P+6C)
E373113Project III (0P+10C)
E375004Python for Scientific Computations and Control (2P+2C)
E143032Rapid HW/SW prototyping (0P+3L)
E141030Sensor Systems (2P+1L)
E374014Signals and Systems (2P+2C)
E371002System and Process Control (3P+2C)
E371075System Identification (2P+2C)
E362504Technical optics (2P+2L)
E373981Thesis (0P+6C)
E361021Wave Optics (2P+1L)