Laboratory of Programmable Logic Controller is a lab for the education and realization of student’s projects and diploma thesis in the field of programmable logic controllers.
Lab equipment
Field automation (industrials sensors, pneumatical and electro-pneumatical drives)
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
Manufacturing execution system (MES)
Equipment for the development and testing of the Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) using eye tracking and recording of biological indicators of the psychophysical state of the operator / dispatcher.

Experimental setup for validation of 2D vibration suppression
This setup was used for experiments with vibration reduction by absorption in multiple dimensions. An experimental setup containing an absorber demonstrator with three degrees of freedom was assembled, and the primary mass was represented by a base suspended on 4 elastic rods. The goal was to prepare an experimental planar […]

Single-rod brachiation robot: Mechatronic design and validation of pre-jump phases
A complete mechatronic design of a minimal configuration brachiation robot is presented. The robot consists of a single rigid rod with gripper mechanisms attached to both ends. The grippers are used to hang the robot arm on a horizontal bar on which it swings or rotates. The motion is imposed […]

A Spectrum-based Filter Design for Periodic Control of Systems with Time Delay
A fully analytical controller design is proposed to tackle a periodic control problem for stable linear systems with an input delay. Applying the internal model control scheme, the controller design reduces to designing a filter, which is done through placement of poles and zeros. The zeros are placed to compensate […]