doc. Ing. Stanislava Papežová, CSc.

Main Specialization: digital control and signal processing, microprocessor systems, sensors
Networks: ORCID: 0000-0002-2798-3858
Electrical Engineering for Applied Mechanics
Electrical Circuits and Electronics
Activity in organizations:
Member of the IMEKO TC 18 Measurement of Human Functions International Committee,
Professional CV:
1984-2001: assistant professor, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Eng., Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering,
2001 – present: Assoc. Prof., CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Eng., Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering,
Research and professional interests:
Embedded system design, signal processing, sensor systemsPublication and project activities:
Project participation
Sensing the pressure distribution on the sole of the foot for diagnostics in medicine and biomechanics (1997-1998),
Methods of direct identification of internal and external mechanical interactions of the human musculoskeletal system, GAČR 106/00/1464,
Development of methods and means of integrated mechanical engineering,
Biomedical engineering,
Research of new methods for measuring physical quantities and their application in instrumentation, MSM0000015 (1999–2004),
Biomaterial and contact interface – detection and analysis of stress deformation states, GA106 / 03/0464, (2003-2005),
Research, development and optimization of measuring systems and evaluation of measurement uncertainties in their use in practice, GD102 / 05 / H032 (2005-2008),
Research of methods and systems for measurement of physical quantities and processing of measured data, MSM 6840770015 (2005-2011),
Design and analysis of sensors for field surface sensing, IGA CULS (2013),
Development of a new measuring system PLANTOGRAF V16, IGA CULS (2016),
Capacitive probe for measuring ice thickness IGA CULS (2019),
Development of separation technology for radioactive mash processing, CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 16_084 / 0010286,