Dr. Goran Simeunović, Ph.D.

Usermap: https://usermap.cvut.cz/profile/4a2ddfba-8490-4203-8ffb-d96e3afc9de6
Main Specialization: CFD modelling, time-delay systems, time-delay identification, programming
Networks: ORCID : 0000-0002-4484-3873
Pneumatic and hydraulic drive systems
Activity in organizations:
Member of ASME
Member of K12 – Heat and Mass transfer group – ASME
ASME’s Nuclear Engineering Conference – organizational committee and track chair
Track chair on several IMECE – ASME congress
Professional CV:
2006 – present, Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
Research and professional interests:
CFD modelling, programming (ROS and web programming)Publication and project activities:
Project participation
CAAT Centre of Aviation and Space Research (CAAT)
TE01020197 Centre for applied cybernetics 3 – Vyhlídal, T. (2012-2019)
Climate for Culture (2009–2014), Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change. Projekt 7. rámcového programu EU.
SEAT (2006–2009), Smart tEchnologies for stress free Air Travel, researcher.
Centre for applied cybernetics (2000–2011), Research centre MŠMT 1M0567. researcher