prof. Ing. Tomáš Vyhlídal Ph.D.

Main Specialization: Simulation and control of systems and processes
Networks: Researcher ID : G-5109-2010 ORCID : 0000-0002-1544-8575
Automatic control (Bc)
Mathematics and Simulations Models (MSc)
Systeems and prcess control (MSc)
Engineering applications of time delay system theory (PhD)
Activity in organizations:
Vice-chair for Industry of Technical Committee 2.1 – Linear control systems of IFAC (since 2017, member since 2013)
Member of Scientific Council – FME, CTU in Prague
Member of Scientific Council – Faculty of Applied Sciences, West Bohemia University, Member of Scientific Council – Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Technical University of Liberec
Member of Assembly – CIIRC, CTU in Prague
Professional CV:
Professor in the field of Systems and Control Engineering (since 2012, habilitated in 2006), FME, CTU in Prague;
head of the Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, FME CTU (since 2019);
head of the research group Machine and Process Control of Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC), CTU (since 2015).
Study stays:
• CNRS, Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes, Toulouse, short research visits in the framework of joint Barrande project MEB020915.
Altogether 20 days in 2009-2010, contact person: Prof. Didier Henrion
• University of Connecticut, Department of Mechanical Engineering, visiting researcher, Project of Ministry of Education. Contact person: Prof. Nejat Olgac, 30.9.2005 – 1.11.2005
• University of Glasgow, Department of Aerospace Engineering, six month PhD student internship (October 2000 – March 2001)
Research and professional interests:
Research: Vibration control systems; applied control theory; mechatronics; mathematical modelling; analysis and control of time delay systems; numerical methods; modelling and control of industrial processes. Key results: Achieved in the spectral analysis and synthesis of time delay systems, quasi-polynomial spectrum computation (author of QPmR software tool), analysis of strong stability of neutral systems, pole-placement techniques, application of time delay algorithms in input shaping and vibration suppression of mechanical systems.Publication and project activities:
Publication profile: Co-author of 35 journal papers and 56 papers at int. conf. registered at WoS and Scopus. In the last 5 years: 19 Journal papers, 23 Conference papers.
The publication list includes papers in high profile journals such as Automatica (4 papers), ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics (2), Mechatronics (1), Building and environment (3), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (4), Journal of the Franklin Institute (2), Journal of Process Control (2), Journal of Sound and Vibrations (3).
WOS: h-index 16, 74 publ., 625 without self-citations
Google Scholar: h-index 24, 161 publ., 1956 citations
Plenary talk: Time delay controllers and compensators for vibration suppression – neutrality, spectral design and applications. Joint IFAC Conference – 7th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control and 15th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Sinaia, Romania, September 9.-11. 9. 2019
Projects: The Principal or Associated Investigator of a number of research projects, with the total support exceeding 25 M CZK:
TE01020197 – Centre for Applied Cybernetics 3 (2012–2019), WP leader
LTAUSA17103 – Time-delay control laws for innovative transportation UAV systems (2017-2019), Inter-action MŠMT, PI
EF16_019/0000826 – Centre for Advanced Aerospace Technology (2018-2022), Research program leader
PI of two Czech Science Foundation projects: 17-20943S – Active multidimensional vibration absorbers for complex mechanical structures based on delayed resonator method (2017-2019) and 13-06962S – New concepts in theory of signal shapers with time delays (2013-2015)
7FP EU No. 226973 – Climate for Culture (2009-2014), WP leader.
Editorial work: Co-editor of two Springer volumes in the series: Advances in Delays and Dynamics, Vol. 1, 2014, and LNCIS Vol. 423, 2012; Editor of Kybernetika journal; Editor of proc. of 9th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic; Reviewer in more than 10 Int. journals.
Event Organization: International Program Committee chair of 10th (2012, Boston) and 13th (2016, Istanbul) IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (IPC member in 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019); IPC member (Technical Associate Editor) of the IFAC World Congress, 2017, ; Main co-organiser (with prof. Pavel Zítek) of 9th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Prague 2010.
Awards: Class A results of RVVI Pillar II in 2014 and 2015; CTU in Prague Rector’s Award for distinguished research results in theory of time delay systems (2009); Werner von Siemens Excellence Award 2003 – PhD Thesis category;
Thesis supervisor or co-supervisor:
Ph.D. students – Technical Cybernetics (FME – CTU in Prague)
– One dissertation defended in 2017 within a double degree with KU Leuven, Belgium – received Preciosa Award for Ph.D.
thesis. The Ph.D. graduate received Postdoc position at Gipsa-lab Grenoble, France.
– Two dissertations defended in 2019. One Ph.D. graduate works as an assistant professor at Uppsala University,
Sweden, the other Ph.D. graduate works in industry.
– One dissertation defended as supervisor specialist – Ph.D. graduate working as a researcher at FME-CTU in Prague
– Currently supervisor of five Ph.D. students