The goal of the project was to find a solution for ideal imaging at the diffraction limit for all possible combinations of input parameters of the optical system. The topic is based on our previous research projects focused on development of devices for measuring BTF (link https://control.fs.cvut.cz/en/research/bingo/) supported by GAČR project GA14-19213S. Within this topic, we have developed two different devices for measuring BTF, see references [1, 2, 3]. During the optimization of the design of their imaging optics, we came across the possibility of a new description of the relationships between optical imaging parameters. After deriving the equations for optical imaging at the diffraction limit for the approximation of the optical system by a thin lens [4], we derived the equations for the general optical system represented by pupils [5]. At the same time, we found that there are a total of 314 possible combinations of four input parameters with an unambiguous determination of all 12 optical imaging parameters at the diffraction limit for a general optical system represented by pupils. In the case of the approximation of the optical system with a thin lens, there are 54 combinations of a total of three input parameters unambiguous determining all other parameters of the optical imaging. We have also developed a web application where it is possible to simulate and visualize the solution of the optical imaging calculation at the diffraction limit for a general optical system using eight selected solutions [6].
[1] Jan Hošek, Vlastimil Havran, Šárka Němcová, Jiri Bittner, and Jiří Čáp, “Optomechanical design of a portable compact bidirectional texture function measurement instrument”, Applied Optics Vol. 56, Issue 4, 1183-1193 (2017).
[2] Jiří Čáp, Jan Hošek, Vlastimil Havran,Šárka Němcová, Karolina Macúchová. Optomechanical design of rotary kaleidoscope for bidirectional texture function acquisition. Applied Optics Vol. 56, Issue 26, 7373-7384 (2017).
[3] Vlastimil Havran, Jan Hošek, Šárka Němcová, Jiří Čáp, and Jiří Bittner, Lightdrum – Portable Light Stage for Accurate BTF Measurement on Site. Sensors 2017, 17(3), 423.
[4] Šárka Němcová, Vlastimil Havran, and Jan Hošek, Different view on diffraction-limited imaging optics design, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40, 149-154 (2023).
[5] Jan Hošek, Šárka Němcová, and Vlastimil Havran, General relations for optical design parameters under diffraction limited paraxial imaging, Opt. and Las. in Eng. 174, 107960 (2024).
[6] Jan Hošek, Václav Hošek. Diffraction imaging solver, https://control.fs.cvut.cz/diffraction_imaging_solver/