The hall laboratory, is focused mainly on working with electrical machines with higher power, which cannot be used in the basics laboratory of electrical engineering. It is possible to test machines with power in the order of tens of kW . Several dynamometers are available with speed ranges up to 8000 rpm, power up to 85 kW. All bachelor students will work in this laboratory during the subject Electrical machines and drives (approximately 350 students per year). Students test the basic machine properties such as speed, torque and electrical properties of larger machines. Typical applications are for example traction applications, crane drives, servos, etc. Three common types of motors in different power sizes (DC, induction, synchronous) are available in the laboratory. Reluctance and synchronous machine with permanent magnets are used for subjects in the master’s study. The purpose is to enable students to work on higher-power electrical machines.
Research and scientific activities are also carried out on these machines. The system for automatic collection of measured values is mounted on some dynamometers and therefore it is possible to use automated measurement.
Lab equipment
Main taught subjects
- Electrical Machines and Drives (E2141505) and other specialized subjects
Single-rod brachiation robot: Mechatronic design and validation of pre-jump phases
A complete mechatronic design of a minimal configuration brachiation robot is presented. The robot consist of a rigid bar with […]
A Spectrum-based Filter Design for Periodic Control of Systems with Time Delay
A fully analytical controller design is proposed to tackle a periodic control problem for stable linear systems with an input […]
Schedule of state final examinations 9/2023
Schedule of state final examinations